Campionilor! With 6 wins in six games, Romania dominated the field emerging as the undisputed champions of ECI Romania! Federatia Romana de Cricket – Cricket Romania…
Introducing Romania for the European Cricket Championship 2022. Federatia Romana de Cricket – Cricket Romania ECC record: Wins Losses Romania’s squad for the European cricket Championship,…
Romania’s first female national cricket team debuted last weekend against Malta in a bilateral international series. These were official international matches and were recognized by the…
The brothers made their first appearance together in an ICC event. The Gherasim Brothers are an inspiration to many other kids who want to take up…
first training session for the tricolor team before their first match against Turkey tomorrow. First training before the first match tomorrow against Turkey
Galbenul lipsește, dar îl vom aduce acasă Yellow is missing, but we will bring it home
Romania’s squad for the 2023 World Cup qualification. Starting from 12 July 2022 – 19 July 2022 in Helsinki – Finland Team Romania for World cup…
The 2022 Romanian National Men’s, Womens’ and U19 kits have arrived. Thanks to @sharkscricketco for providing us with top-of-the-range cricket clothing, the quality of the kit…
Fanii de cricket vor fi interesați să afle că Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC) se află în România pentru a juca o serie de meciuri T20 împotriva…
Romania has been crowned the Champions of the 2022 Valletta Cup. The tournament was played between Romania, Malta, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Gibraltar in…