Cricke Romania
Federația Română de cricket caută jucătoare de cricket care sunt interesate să învețe și să joace cricket. Vor avea ocazia să se antreneze cu Antrenorul nostru Național și să se alăture echipei naționale feminine a României. Aceasta este o mare oportunitate pentru toate femeile care doresc să joace cricket și să reprezinte România. Vă rugăm să ne contactați la 0040737733121 sau
Cricket Romania is searching for female players interested in learning and playing cricket. They will be able to train with our National Coach and join the Romanian national women’s team. This is a great opportunity for all females who want to play cricket and represent Romania. Please get in touch with us at 0040737733121 or
ක්රිකට් රුමේනියාව ක්රිකට් ඉගෙනීමට සහ ක්රීඩා කිරීමට උනන්දුවක් දක්වන ක්රීඩිකාවන් සොයමින් සිටී. ඔවුන්ට අපේ ජාතික පුහුණුකරු සමඟ පුහුණු වී රුමේනියානු ජාතික කාන්තා කණ්ඩායමට එක්වීමට අවස්ථාව ලැබෙනවා. ක්රිකට් ක්රීඩා කිරීමට සහ රුමේනියාව නියෝජනය කිරීමට කැමති සියලුම කාන්තා ක්රීඩිකාවන්ට මෙය කදිම අවස්ථාවක්. කරුණාකර 0040737733121 හෝ හි අප අමතන්න.
The Romanian Cricket Federation is looking for female cricketers who are interested in learning and playing cricket. They will have the opportunity to train with our National Coach and join the Romanian National Women’s Team. This is a great opportunity for all women who want to play cricket and represent Romania. Please contact us at 0040737733121 or
Cricket Romania is searching for female cricket players who are interested in learning and playing cricket. They will have the opportunity to train with our National Coach and join the Romanian national women’s team. This is a great opportunity for all females who want to play cricket and represent Romania. Please contact us at 0040737733121 or
Cricket Romania is looking for players interested in learning and playing cricket. They get the opportunity to train with our national coach and join the Romanian women’s team. This is a great opportunity for all female players who like to play cricket and represent Romania. Please contact us at 0040737733121 or