New National Champion ACCB
Congratulations to ACCB
Congratulations to ACCB –Asian Cricket Club Bucharest – for winning the national championship in 2024. In the playoffs, they defeated the first United Cricket Club of Bucharest – UCC, then Cluj Cricket Club, and finally Transylvania Cricket Club in an exciting final by 5 runs. Well done to Sukhbinder Singh and all the players for their remarkable team effort.
We also congratulate Transylvania CC on reaching its first National Championship finals. From underdogs in the tournament, it has become one of the most successful teams.
ACCB has now qualified to represent Romania in the European Cricket League 2025.
The MVP of the tournament was Satnam Lucky from Transylvania CC.
The best batsman of the tournament was Ramesh Satheesan from United CC.
The best bowler in the tournament was Praveen Kumar from ACCB.
The best fielder of the tournament was Raj Arjun from Cluj CC.
We thank our officials for their commitment, dedication, and untiring work throughout the season.
Kaustubh Chavan
Andrew Begg
Imran Haider
Muhammad Zaka
Tharindu Prashan
Darshana Ubesekara
Nishanth Devre
Rajith Puthen
We would also like to thank our sponsors for a fantastic season:
ICC – International Cricket Council
Agenția Națională pentru Sport
Sportsqvest Activewear & Customisation
Felicitări ACCB – Asian Cricket Club din București – pentru câștigarea campionatului național T20 2024. Au învins mai întâi pe United, apoi pe Cluj CC, și în final pe Transilvania CC într-o finală palpitantă cu 5 runde. Bravo lui Sukhbinder Bobby Singh și tuturor jucătorilor pentru efortul lor remarcabil de echipă.
De asemenea, vrem să felicităm Transylvania CC pentru că a ajuns în prima finală a Campionatului Național. Ei au trecut de la a fi defavorizați în turneu la a deveni una dintre cele mai de succes echipe.
ACCB s-a calificat acum pentru a reprezenta România în European Cricket League 2025.
MVP-ul turneului a fost Satnam Singh de la Transilvania CC.
Cel mai bun batsman al turneului a fost Ramesh Satheesan de la United CC.
Cel mai bun bowler al turneului a fost Praveen Kumar de la ACCB.
Cel mai bun fielder al turneului a fost Rajendra Pisal de la Cluj CC.